Often overlooked, the act of selecting a healthcare proxy – someone who is able to make critical medical decisions for older adults – can be one of the most important components of effectively planning ahead. But that doesn’t mean it’s an easy task to do. Many don’t know what a proxy is, if its available for them, when they should choose one, and how to pick one.
Our friends at Vital Decisions have recognized this difficulty and, with the help of a panel of medical professionals, created a step-by-step guide to help in the selection process:

Vital Decisions understand the challenges that an individual and family face while managing an illness or when life takes an unexpected turn. Planning for advance healthcare can be a daunting task to think about, and even more difficult to talk about. But planning doesn’t need to be a stressful and scary, and can instead lead to better communication and understanding with loved ones and healthcare providers, leading to greater control over one’s life.
Click here to learn more, hear testimonies, go into depth about a proxy, and start your planning.